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Contact us in Jerusalem

Have questions? Contact us now!

Dear visitors!

All your comments, remarks and suggestions are extremely important for us! We are always open for critics and new suggestions.
All the most important remarks and the best ideas always come from the users.
That is why we ask you not to be shy and to write us! If it is not to much to ask, please:
  • Note the subject of your message;
  • If your remark concerns a certain page, please note that in the subject;
  • Give us your name and the e-mail address, or else we won’t be able to write you back;
  • If your email has commercial interests, please note that too;
  • Maximum allowable size of the application file – 1Mb. To make more reliable we recommend to use the archiver.
We will contact you and take under consideration all your remarks!
Thank you for your interest!
«Musica Aeterna» site Administration

Phone and address:

Keshet Amanuyot
Phone: (972-2) 679-07-46
Mobile: (972-54) 474-47-99
Fax: (972-2) 679-94-98
2 Shemuel Pineless St., Jerusalem

location on the map:

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